火曜日, 3月 27, 2007


はじめて味わった沖縄独特のおそば、そして何よりお店のおじいちゃんが、演奏してくれた沖縄三味線 暖かかった~な~。おじいちゃんの満面の笑みもぉ。一緒に唄う、おばあちゃまの姿も素敵でした。。思わず踊りだしそうになっちゃいました(^^)

水曜日, 3月 14, 2007


I think most people would know the word of "bug"that using for computer.
Does everybody knows?? Why does it call "bug". The first computer bug was actually a moth, in 1945, a computer being tested at Harvard University stalled when a moth got caught inside.
Totally, actually BUG was in the computer!! but wait!! Why we just can`t use "moth"? ?


月曜日, 3月 12, 2007


Years after since I got the book, I watched the movie. I started understand the story piece by piece.
The most wonderful thing is the cute characters I saw in the book were singing and dancing as if they popped out of the book. Watching after school was most exciting thing at that time.


金曜日, 3月 09, 2007

Sugako met a book

When I was 3 years old my mother took me to a gift shop, and she bought me a red book. It was written in English with many cute illustrations. It was very small, only about 6cm×8cm. I carried it everywhere I went.
I didn`t know what the book was written about. I was only interested in the illustrations first but started to be curi0us about the story. I really wanted to find out what the story was.
The book was "Wizard of Oz".
Wizard of Oz was written by L.Frank Baum and illustrated by W.W.Denslow. It was published in 1900. The story became very popular in the world after the movie was made.

私が3歳の時、母がギフトショップで 6cm×8cmほどの赤い表紙の英語で書かれた本を買ってくれました。とてもかわいい挿絵が入っていて、読めなかったのですがいつも持ち歩いて、どんなお話なんだろうと眺めていた記憶があります。

オズの魔法使いは、著L.Frank Baum、絵W.W.Denslowによって1900年に出版されました。 のちに映画化され世界中に知られる名作となりました。

水曜日, 3月 07, 2007

Miso paste

Last time I wrote about ingredients in Miso soup and today I would like to write about MISO.
there are many kinds of Miso, Miso is a thick paste made by fermenting soybeans with sea salt and koji, a tip for making miso soup is do not cook miso for more than a few minutes, and never boiled it, also prevent the soup become too strong. while maintaining high nutritional value.


月曜日, 3月 05, 2007

Time flies

On my way home from office, I picked up a free local bulletin.
that was written in English, It must be for foreign people whose living in the area,one of the articles was written about a good place for viewing cherry bloosoms.when I read it I realized, it`s already the cherry blossoms season. I felt the time went by so much faster than ever. would it go even faster next year???

here is my favorite place to take a walk and also good location to viewing cherry blossoms!

仕事の帰り道にあった、英語で書かれた地域情報誌にお花見情報が載ってました!!もう??なんて一年早いのだろう。驚くばかりです。この分だと来年はもっと早く来ちゃうかな~ おお怖。。。

木曜日, 3月 01, 2007

Fish 'n' chips ><)))"> ← can u see it ?

フィッシュアンドチップスはイギリスの伝統的な料理であり、また持ち帰りが出来る手軽な食べ物として人気です。日本でしか食べた事がないのですが、食べて以来、好物になりました。おいちい! フィッシュアンドチップスのお店はイギリス北部で生まれ、今ではイギリス全体で約8,500店もあるそうです。 いいな~。いつかイギリスへ、本場のフィッシュアンドチップスを食べに行かなくては!!

Fish and chips is traditional food in England and also very popular take away food.
I Only had in Japan, but it`s became my favorite meal ! I would like to say it`s Lovely food !!!
The first fish and chips shop(chippy) appeared in the North of England.
There are now around 8,500 fish and chip shops across the UK. WOW!!! I should go to England to have REAL Fish 'n' chips.