金曜日, 3月 09, 2007

Sugako met a book

When I was 3 years old my mother took me to a gift shop, and she bought me a red book. It was written in English with many cute illustrations. It was very small, only about 6cm×8cm. I carried it everywhere I went.
I didn`t know what the book was written about. I was only interested in the illustrations first but started to be curi0us about the story. I really wanted to find out what the story was.
The book was "Wizard of Oz".
Wizard of Oz was written by L.Frank Baum and illustrated by W.W.Denslow. It was published in 1900. The story became very popular in the world after the movie was made.

私が3歳の時、母がギフトショップで 6cm×8cmほどの赤い表紙の英語で書かれた本を買ってくれました。とてもかわいい挿絵が入っていて、読めなかったのですがいつも持ち歩いて、どんなお話なんだろうと眺めていた記憶があります。

オズの魔法使いは、著L.Frank Baum、絵W.W.Denslowによって1900年に出版されました。 のちに映画化され世界中に知られる名作となりました。

1 件のコメント:

TETSU さんのコメント...

When I was 3 years-old, my mother took me to a gift shop, and she bought me a red book. It was written in English with many cute illustrations. It was very small, only about 6cm×8cm. I carried it everywhere I went. I didn't know what the book was about. I was only interested in the illustrations "at" first but started to be"come" curious about the story. I really wanted to find out what the story was.
The book was "Wizard of Oz".
Wizard of Oz was written by L. Frank Baum and illustrated by W. W. Denslow. It was published in 1900. The story became very popular in the world after the movie was made.
