木曜日, 3月 01, 2007

Fish 'n' chips ><)))"> ← can u see it ?

フィッシュアンドチップスはイギリスの伝統的な料理であり、また持ち帰りが出来る手軽な食べ物として人気です。日本でしか食べた事がないのですが、食べて以来、好物になりました。おいちい! フィッシュアンドチップスのお店はイギリス北部で生まれ、今ではイギリス全体で約8,500店もあるそうです。 いいな~。いつかイギリスへ、本場のフィッシュアンドチップスを食べに行かなくては!!

Fish and chips is traditional food in England and also very popular take away food.
I Only had in Japan, but it`s became my favorite meal ! I would like to say it`s Lovely food !!!
The first fish and chips shop(chippy) appeared in the North of England.
There are now around 8,500 fish and chip shops across the UK. WOW!!! I should go to England to have REAL Fish 'n' chips.

1 件のコメント:

TETSU さんのコメント...

Fish and chips is A traditional food in England and IS also A very popular take-OUT food. I HAVE only TRIED THEM in Japan, but it HAS becOme my favorite meal! I would like to say THAT it`s lovely food !!!

The first fish and chips shop (Chippy) appeared in the North of England.
There are now around 8,500 fish and chipS shops across the UK. WOW!!! I should go to England to have REAL Fish'n'chips.

WOW. Great improvement! 文句無し!素晴らしい。