土曜日, 2月 17, 2007

カフェオレ カフェラテ ミステリ~

いつも疑問に思っていた事の一つ、カフェオレとカフェラテの違いについて。。。                            だいぶ前、お店の人にメニューにあるカフェオレとカフェラテの違いについて、聞いてみました。。回答は、カフェ・ラテはエスプレッソ(カップ2)と、温かい牛乳。。カフェオレは濃いコーヒー(カップ1)と温かい牛乳とのこと。。違うお店で同じ質問をしたところ、そこの店員さんは、フランス語(cafe au lait)とイタリア語(caffe latte)の違いですとの返答。謎は深まりますね。これぞ、カフェオレ・カフェラテ・ミステリー~

I have mount of questions in this world, one of thing is differece between cafe au lait and cafe latte. some time ago I asked the server what the difference was between the cafe au lait and the caffe latte on their menu. The caffe latte is two of espresso with hot milk. The cafe au lait is a cup of strong coffee decorated in exactly the same way. and I asked same question to another coffeshop server, says it`s only about the language difference, cafe au lait is French and caffe latte is italian...This is miserious beverage ever.

1 件のコメント:

TETSU さんのコメント...

Very interesting post!

Cafe au lait literally means "Coffee to milk" (of course, coffee "with" milk) in French.

Caffe latte literally means "Coffee milk" in Italian.

So, I think they are basically the same according to their names! But my feeling is that Cafe au lait is milky?!?! v(^_^)v

Good job on your English. Here is the correction. There a couple of spelling mistakes, but don't worry too much about those.

"I have MANY questions in this world, and one is THE difference between cafe au lait and CAFFE latte. Some time ago I asked A server what the difference was between A cafe au lait and A CAFFE latte on their menu. CAFFE latte is two CUPS of espresso with hot milk. Cafe au lait is a cup of strong coffee made in exactly the same way. I ALSO asked THE same question to another COFFEE SHOP server, WHO SAID THAT THE only DIFFERENCE IS IN the language: cafe au lait is IN French and CAFFE latte is IN Italian...This is A MYSTERIOUS beverage.