水曜日, 2月 21, 2007

S`Miso Soup


そして、ある研究によると、味噌汁を1日に3食ほど摂取すると、乳ガンの発生を妨げる事ができるとか!!!健康にも良い、スーパースープ “味噌汁”思い付く具の一部を載せてみました。


They are many varieties of miso soup, You can not count it, and according to Japanese researchers, eating three or more servings of Miso soup every day could cut women`s risk of developing breast cancer. Wow!! Super soup! I put some ingredient"GU" of Miso soup,

Wakame seaweed,Tofu, japanese radish(Daikon), potatoes, onions, mushrooms, beans, deep fried tofu, Okura, carrots, squash, spinach, seafood(clams, crabs, fish,lobster).
Now, What is your favorite "GU"?

1 件のコメント:

TETSU さんのコメント...

THERE are many varieties of miso soupS. You CANNOT count THEM. According to Japanese researchers, eating three or more servings of Miso soup every day could cut DOWN THE risk of developing breast cancer. Wow!! Super soup! HERE I WROTE DOWN some ingredientS ("GU") of Miso soup.

Wakame seaweed, tofu, Japanese radish (daikon), potatoes, onions, mushrooms, beans, deep fried tofu, okura, carrots, squash, spinach, seafood (clams, crabs, fish, lobster).

Now, what is your favorite "GU"?

Very good again. You seem to be improving.

Again, some notes:
1) "..you cannot count it..." is not wrong grammatically, but I would simply put it in the first sentence and say "There are an infinite variety of miso soups..."
2) "...women's risks of developing breast cancer..." is also not wrong grammatically. But "breast" goes with "women". Therefore it's like saying 女性の乳がん”, which is a little redundant (Yes, male breast cancer does exist, but usually breast cancer refers to women.).
3) Again, some care for punctuation is needed. "," "." "capital letters" etc.